Polls statistics

Written By Eventicious Team (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 9th, 2020

Polls statistics

All the poll statistics is available in the same module: you can see how many attendees took a poll, what they answered, which answers prevail, etc. You are able to see the statistics in the admin panel and download MS Excel documents for further processing.

General statistics

To check out general statistics on each poll, go to ‘Statistics’ tab in polls module:

All created polls (including drafts) are displayed in the column on the left. Open statistics by clicking any poll — you will be able to see the total number of voters, breakdown and percentage for each option; average rate for rating questions and all text answers for text box questions:

Personalized Statistics

You can also see poll statistics in relation to each attendee — go to ‘Attendees’ tab on the same screen:

To check out their personal statistics for each poll they took, click an attendee in the list, then click each poll to see the results. You will see the option this attendee chose, how many people also voted for the same option and an average value for rating questions:

If an attendee took no polls at all, there will be no data available in this section.

If you enabled scores for correct answers, you will also be able to see these results in this section. Total scores for a separate poll are displayed in the list of polls:

Scores for each question are listed under the attendee’s answer:

Note: if an attendee is not logged in while taking a poll, you won’t be able to see their results in this section; they are only considered in general statistics (‘Statistics’ tab).

Exporting results

To export poll results to an Excel file, click the green ‘Export’ button in the upper right corner on the ‘Statistics’ or ‘Attendees’ tab and choose the report type — either a summary report, an attendees’ report or a detailed report with all data.

Summary report is a general report for all polls. It contains all the info from the ‘Statistics’ tab in the form of a spreadsheet file: the first sheet contains the list of all polls with the total number of voters; separate sheets for each poll contain detailed statistics on corresponding polls.

Attendees report contains all the info from the ‘Attendees’ tab in the form of a spreadsheet file: the first sheet contains the list of all attendees with the total number of polls they took; if scores were enabled for some polls, this sheet will also contain total scores for each attendee. The second sheet in this file contains detailed info on the polls each attendee took and their answers.

If these two reports do not fit your needs, you can also make use of the Detailed report (all data) and configure your own reports. This report contains raw data including all results for all the polls without any grouping or intermediate results (on the first sheet). For your convenience, the second sheet contains a predefined pivot table, so that you only have to select the necessary parameters to be included in the report.

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